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Growth Predictor Intelligence

Historic data on past performance is not a reliable indicator of Future Performance

Identify Big Hit Companies Early

VCs struggle with identifying which start-ups will turn into highly successful companies early in their development. Private Equity firms have a similar challenge. Growth Predictor has created an award-winning solution, leveraging advanced data analytics and predictive modelling to provide new insights into which companies have the highest potential for exponential growth. A stringent predictive measurement system that generates data specific to a company, provides investors with a new benchmark against which to assess risk and opportunity in challenging markets.

Boost Fund Growth Predictably

Once investments are made, ensuring these companies grow at a pace that maximizes returns is another challenge. Growth Predictor Intelligence reveals new opportunities and risks by continuously monitoring the predictive data of portfolio companies to make fund growth more predictable and sustainable.


The Innovation - De-Risks Investment Decisions and Fund Performance

Growth Predictor Intelligence predicts a company's future performance by measuring the dynamic interplay connecting its Growth Mindset; Growth Capability; Customer Expectations; and Future Revenue.

It's strategic uniqueness and necessity is made apparent by what is revealed when measuring this dynamic interplay. Built on entrepreneurial disciplines, it cuts through hype and other data to connect the fundamentals of a business in a way that provides new insight into the collective strength of a company's ingenuity, and its ability to innovate and grow in challenging markets - in advance of its results.

It confidentially measures the Growth Mindset of each employee and team in a business against a stringent standard, irrespective of seniority, to assess the degree to which they are impacting company growth, or hindering it. From this actionable data the company's Growth Capability, its collective capability to Adapt, Innovate, and Execute new value is measured. This is then linked to new actionable intelligence derived directly from customers. Customer Expectations measures each customer's assessment of the company's capability and willingness to keep pace with their specific evolving needs. This leads to new customer/supplier conversations. All this new data is then integrated to produce a company's Growth Predictor Score, a single numeric that contains all the actionable data that encapsulates the company's future prospects. The score is then factored into current revenue and market conditions to predict Future Revenue. The Growth Predictor Score provides a benchmark from which to rank the future prospects of existing and potential investee companies.


Confidential AI empowered insights provide personalised insights to each employee and team, and the company as a whole, on how to apply their Growth Predictor Intelligence to transform company performance and customer dependency on the business. Growth Predictor Intelligence is not static; it is continuously updated, based on new data from customers on their expectations and plans, and re-measures from within the company on its capability to meet these changing conditions. 


The Growth Predictor Index predicts the growth of a fund by combining the Growth Predictor Scores of the companies within a fund. From this unique dataset, investors not only de-risk initial investment decisions but also enhance the growth of their existing portfolios by actively managing and boosting returns. 

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